When I really stated getting 'into' nutrition and making healthy dietary changes I was bombarded with so called, 'super foods' on a weekly basis, healthy recipes full of ingredients I had never heard of, grains, seeds, plants... all completely foreign to me. I mean at first I was like, what the HELL is Quinoa? Why is brown rice good but white rice bad. ...there are GOOD carbs and BAD carbs? Like one is gonna go to heaven and the other... well... I already mentioned where they are going two sentences above ;)
So one of these foods was GREEK YOGURT... and now, guess what? I LOVE IT! It's super yummy because it's kinda like a blank slate, you can add anything to it and make it taste the way you want. You can put in berries and granola and have a parfait, you can add spices and avocado and you have an amazing dip for fresh veggies (or yes, tortilla chips... AHHH yes I said the word CHIPS on a post about healthy nutrition, I rightfully accept my place next to those 'BAD' carbs mentioned above)... So moving on, here is a little graphic designed to give you a 10 second crash course in why Greek Yogurt actually does live up to the hype.
If you have never given it a chance... Try it... at least once... You know you wanna ;)
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