Friday, June 22, 2012

De-complicating the Complicated!

I Think I must have had a BIG OL' BOWL of SARCASM for breakfast! (see graphic below hehe) Actually I'm starving and NEED TO EAT LIKE NOW, but first things first...

I call this, De-complicating the Complicated!

There are only 3 things you need to make your fitness dreams a reality:

1. To believe in yourself
2. To eat sensibly
3. To exercise

That's it, you don't need expensive equipment, you don't need to raid the organic section, or buy a dozen low carb cook books! The De-complicated truth is simple. If you consume less calories than you expend YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT. That's it... it really is that simple.

Don't let the over complication of getting in shape scare you away, do not let people talking about protein shakes and foods you've never heard of make you feel that this goal you have is JUST to remain a DREAM!  Don't be intimidated when someone talks about running 5 miles a day and you can barely get a quarter of a mile without throwing up... "GREAT RUNNERS ARE NOT BORN THEY ARE MADE" (one of my fav quotes)... Believe it or not everyone started somewhere and thousands of people started and succeeded from exactly WHERE YOU ARE RIGHT THIS VERY MOMENT.

So start believing in yourself and get out there and make it happen.  Okay,  that's all for now, breakfast awaits me YAY :) xo - Heather

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