Monday, July 30, 2012

August Mileage Challenge! Hosted by Daily Mile. Join us ;)

See all you sexy mommas there! :) Last month's challenge was a HUGE success! We had tons of moms hit the 26.2 mile mark, and over 15 moms did 100+ miles!!!! :) Lets put up some huge number this August. xo - Heather

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

It's BAAAAAAAAACK - The 'Get Your Sexy Back Moms' Social network fitness game - New exercises added!

Post to your Facebook (etc) and for every like - you must do what the graphic that you chose to post says! Let you friends and family be a part of your fitness journey ;) Making fitness fun, yes it's possible! Play your way to fit sexy mommas!! xoxo

For more exercises to choose from - I have included the link below to the former rounds. I do one a week and count up all the likes in a 24 hr period of time and accept my 'punishment' hehe.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Food is not Therapy, put down the chocolate and do some jumping jacks ;)

I made this little graphic today while thinking about why I crave sugar so badly when I am having a down day...

It can be so easy to get depressed or STRESSED and reach for comforting foods... So easy in fact that many times we may not even realize that an emotion is behind our naughty food cravings. Re evaluate your dietary choices, there might just be an emotional component. That being said. For those days, remember one simple line. Food is Fuel, Exercise is Therapy, so put down the chocolate and EXERCISE ;) (even a short 2 minute session of blood pumping cardio might kick that craving, it's worth a shot right?)

I hope you have a wonderful Monday night sexy mommas! I have had a fantastic day, my 7 month old angel started clapping her hands when you sing her favorite songs or say yaaaaaayyy! :) I need to go get in a workout ;)

xo- Heather

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Wendy! Our July 'Get Your Sexy Back Moms' Mom of the Month!

Meet Wendy, Our July 'Get Your Sexy Back Moms' Mom of the Month! From 154lbs to 130lbs in 12 Weeks!

Vote For This sexy momma!!! She took part in a 12 week challenge, you can see the results for yourself ;)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

8 glasses a day not working for you? Have you tried Eating your water?

8 glasses a day may not seem like a lot to veteran fitness enthusiasts... But for A LOT of people its just another milestone we don't hit each day.

I am just as guilty as the next about this, and after researching the incredible health benefits of water (not to mention weight loss benefits of drinking H20) I have become a champion for getting the daily recommended amount of water.

So for those of you like me who just for one reason or another do not get the recommended daily dose through drinking, there is another way to supplement your daily intake.
...EATING! Eat your water.

I have compiled a list of some of the MOST HYDRATING foods you can eat! And what a better time than summer to get started!

Have a Happy and Safe 4th of July everyone and EAT SOME WATERMELON! ;)

xo, Heather

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Social Network Fitness Game - Originated by the, 'Get Your Sexy Back Moms' of Facebook!

This is SOOOO Awesome! Finally a fabulously fit reason for Facebook's 'Like' button!

So far we have done 4 rounds of this game with HUGE success! Look for 2 new rounds later this week and into next ;)

Game Play - Choose what body party you want to work that day and post the corresponding graphic as your status update. For every like you receive for a full 24hrs, you have to do the corresponding amount of reps marked on the graphic you posted. Not making sense yet? Sorry I just got done with a six mile workout and am buzzed n shaky so bear with me hehe. Ok SO for example, if you choose to post the graphic for SQUATS, for every 'like' you have to do 5 squats that day! :) :) :) Encourage your friends to participate, make it a contest, there is nothing better than making fitness fun, and by involving your friends and family you receive even more motivation to exercise :)

Have fun sexy mommas!!!!!!!!!!!! xo - Heather

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