Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Chocolate is ranked the #1 most craved food by women!

SO chocolate... Dietary friend? Hardly. Are you still going to crave it and give in? For most of us the answer is: YES! This is where reality creates a need for a MIDDLE GROUND, if you don't have a plan for when those cravings come then you will reach for the nearest satisfying food which can result in the worst choice possible.  I truly believe that accepting that giving in to cravings from time to time WILL HAPPEN, allows you to be prepared so that when that time comes you will have the best possible option on hand! The answer: DARK CHOCOLATE (in moderation of course!)

SO why dark chocolate?
*Full of antioxidants
*Full of necessary minerals
*Good for your heart
*Improves your mood, compounds found in dark chocolate are mood elevators!
*Low glycemic index - meaning it will not cause a blood sugar spike!
*Current studies are showing that dark chocolate just may have cancer fighting properties and may have the ability to improve cognitive functions!! Stay tuned on that!

SO my new favorite thing in the world is:
SO when you are going to be 'BAD' at least do it 'GOOD' :)

Other options, dark choc covered nuts, dark choc covered sunflower seeds and more as I come across them. Feel free to add your suggestions to the list!

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