Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Protecting your child from something you CAN actually control: SUGAR

As parents we worry about the safety of our children every second day and night. We worry about what brand of baby wipes we use, we worry about the veggies they eat being grown organically, we worry about the first time we have to leave the...m with a babysitter, or take them to a germ infested location. We worry about the sun, we worry about the cold, we worry about that weird guy who lives down the street (lol) or the aggressive dog two doors down... We worry about a whole host of items we cannot control. But what's one thing we don't worry near enough about?? SUGAR. The amount of sugar children eat is sincerely unbelievable. One jar of Gerber baby food (lets say sweet potatoes) has almost the entire daily recommended intake of sugar for an adult woman! But what about everything else? Sugar and sugar substitutes are in everything, and until we start to address this issue our children are going to continue to grow up sicker, heavier, pre diabetic, etc. Even if you wont do it for yourself do it for your children, look at labels for sugar, check ingredients for things like aspartame, or words that end in 'ose'. Prepare to be shocked. Protect your children from one of the things you can actually control - SUGAR.

**PS I am not calling all sugar evil, sugar that comes packaged by mother nature with its counterpart called FIBER is not dangerous to your health, what is dangerous is getting your daily recommended intake of sugar from natural sources (veggies, fruits) and then eating sugary carbs or dairy on top of it without even realizing that it is there. So please just take a look. Okay off of my soap box! xo Heather


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